Helping people follow Jesus & find life.


We are a church FOR our community.

Our Values

Jesus First
We put Jesus at the center of our lives.

The Bible Guides
We look to Scripture as our primary lens for understanding truth.

People Need People
We connect with others who challenge and encourage us to grow in our faith.

The Future is Everything
We invest in the faith of the next generation so we have a future.

Give Generously
We give sacrificially of our financial resources to fulfill the mission and vision of the church.

Contribute More Than You Consume
We find opportunities to serve inside the church, out in the community, and around the world.

Our Beliefs

We believe in one God who is eternally present in three distinct persons. God the Father spoke the world into being, out of nothingness. God the Son is Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world who lived a sinless life, was crucified, died and resurrected from the dead after three days. God the Holy Spirit is our guide, our helper as we live the life we are designed to live. We believe the Bible is the ultimate source of truth and the guide for Christian living. We believe that anyone can find fullness of life by accepting the gift of salvation offered to all people through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. When we begin to walk with Jesus, we are made new, promised an eternity in the presence of God when our physical life ends. We believe that our role, as the church, is to welcome everyone to hear the Good News about Jesus, accept life in Him and follow as He leads!

What We Do

Each weekend, we meet together for worship and to hear a Bible-based teaching from one of our pastors. These gatherings are designed to encourage you and bring you closer to God, while equipping you to go into the world with the Good News of Jesus.