Infant / Child Baptism & Dedication



Baptism of infants and young children is an opportunity for parents to publicly declare their trust in Jesus as their personal Savior and to invite the help of Jesus and of their local church body as they commit to raise their child as part of the community of faith.

In Acts 16:33-34, Luke describes the head of a household deciding to have his whole family baptized by the Apostle Paul as a demonstration of his intention that they would now be a Christian household. In the baptism of an infant or young child, we are reminded of the unconditional love of God that goes before us and the undeserved grace of God that sustains us.

We see baptism of infants and young children as more than a dedication, but less than a declaration of salvation. Children baptized as an infant or young child are invited to participate in confirmation or other environments where they can make a personal decision to put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ.

Children and infants are baptized by sprinkling during our Saturday night service at our church in Lee’s Summit. To discuss infant or child baptism, please contact Lisa Stoddard at


Christian parents who dedicate their child to the Lord are making a promise to God to do everything within their power to raise the child in a godly way, prayerfully until he or she can make a decision on his or her own to follow Jesus.

Parents who make this commitment are instructed to raise the child in the ways of God, and not according to their own ways. Some of the responsibilities include teaching and training the child in God’s Word, demonstrating examples of godliness, disciplining according to God’s ways, and praying earnestly for their child to come to know the free gift of salvation Jesus offers.

To learn more about our child dedication, please contact Lisa Stoddard at


Why do you baptize infants?

We baptize infants because we believe that God’s grace can reach us before we can ask for it, or even know that we need it. The baptism of infants and young children is a powerful reminder that God’s grace is offered to us even when we aren’t yet able to respond to it.